Customers could enter the number of dining guests, a table would be assigned based on a printed ticket and a message would be sent to the guest's phone when the table was ready. The 15.6-inch touch panel display was used as a scoreboard, displaying special offers and the number of the queue.

Walmart Digitalization and unified viewing platform for customers and employees

Customers are able to get full information of the products by putting the product tag on the RFID sensor. Using the RFID system with smart touch screen tablets and cloud-based RFID systems to create a platform for an intelligent recommendation system

Warehousing and Production Input Device Ikea.

Touch Screen Input Computer in Production Facility

Touch Screen for integration to indoor bikes, treadmills or water rowers

Payment module is integrated into Tablets. The payment system allows users to have a self-service desk top terminal for orders and payments in a micro market.

Digital Signature on touch screen panel

Intelligent self-service display temperature check panel for screening of incoming patients and guests for fever to limit exposure to potential cases of COVID-19